Investment in Tene Yerushalmi
Invest in Tene Yerushalmi
Our work is made possible through the deep care and involvement of our partners – from graduates of our various programs, who take an active role as board members, volunteers and donors, to philanthropic foundations, local businesses and government ministries.
We see this support as a direct social investment in promoting the vision of a pluralist and socially- engaged Jerusalem. If you care about making a difference, please consider joining us in supporting our work through the following options:
*The donations to Tene Yerushalmi are possible through PEF and are eligible for the Israeli tax-exemption (according to article 46A).
For a one-time or annual donation please click button below or contact us at
To join our monthly instalments campaign please click button below or contact us at
To support by purchasing a subscription to the New Syndrome, our monthly digital periodical (in Hebrew) please click button below or contact us at
To support us by purchasing our Hagoren book (The Treshing Floor), which is a compilation (in Hebrew) of our spiritual and educational inspiration texts, please click button below or contact us at